History — COLW


During the summer of 1978, Gene and Betty Jo Frank began to conduct a meeting each Friday night in Richmond-Rosenberg area. This meeting was held in the home of Paul and Dixie Lindblade located at 1904 West Laurel Oaks in Richmond. The initial purpose for these meetings was to strengthen the fellowship of a group of individuals who lived in the Richmond- Rosenberg area but who were members of the Wallis Baptist Church in Wallis, Texas, some sixteen miles west of Rosenberg.

It became apparent toward the end of the summer that there was a need for another church in the Richmond-Rosenberg area. At one of the Friday night meetings, this need was expressed by several individuals and an organizational  meeting was scheduled. Betty Fikes offered the use of “A Child’s Place,” her day-care facility. On September 5, 1978, a group of twenty-five adults gathered at “A Child’s Place” located at 1128 Westwood Drive in Rosenberg, Texas. After prayer and discussion, it was determined that a new church would be formed.

Since those present came from various denominational backgrounds, it as further decided that the church formed would be an interdenominational fellowship. The initial members came from Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Catholic, Church of Christ, and Assembly of God backgrounds. It was determined that the Bible, i.e., “the Full Gospel,” would be the authoritative guide and the common denominator for our fellowship experience.

Gene W. Frank was asked to accept the pastorate and function as the founding pastor. He had served as pastor of the Wallis Baptist Church for the previous five years. Gene and Betty Jo, his wife, accepted and moved to Rosenberg to assume the position of pastor.

At the organizational meeting, the name was selected as “Church of Living Waters’ based upon a vision that had been given to Re. Frank by Revelation 7:15-17

For the first two months, the church conducted its meetings at the daycare facility which was made available free of charge. Then the fellowship moved to a vacant church facility at 1412 Brazos Street in Rosenberg. This location was leased from Calvary Baptist Church until June, 1980. At that time the facility was sold and Church of Living Waters leased portions of Taylor Ray Elementary School on the corner of Ward Street and Avenue N in Rosenberg.

In the spring of 1981, sensing the need for a permanent location, the church fellowship entered into a contract to purchase five acres of property from Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Yelderman. This property fronts Airport Avenue in Rosenberg and is located between George Junior High School and B.F. Terry Senior High School.

During the first part of 1982, Phase 1 of the Kenneth G. Pitts Activity Building was under construction. This 7,500 Square foot facility was named in honor of one of the original members who had lost his life in a traffic accident. Kenneth had served faithfully as a deacon in our fellowship prior to his untimely death. The men of the fellowship furnished the labor to finish this phase in time to hold services on July 4, 1982.

In spring of 1983, the remaining interior portion of the Pitts Building was completed. From the completion of this building, and into 1985, our church grew by leaps and bounds. We had over 150 families in our membership, and we had added Living Water Christian School and Living Waters Bible College as additional Ministries.

The Pitts Activity Building was filled to capacity, and so in June, 1985 we launched into construction of the gymnatorium. “Time to Build” was our campaign theme. As the steel girders were going up, Children’s Church services were being held under a tent on the grounds.

Our Gymnatorium gives us approximately 25,000 square feet of additional space. It is a multi-purpose facility, which includes a full size basketball court, which will seat 800 people for worship. In addition, there will be a commercial kitchen, administrative offices, bookstore, audio visual area, and nursery rooms. The mezzanine floor will house educational areas for Living Water Christian School and Living Waters Bible College.

Living Water Christian School was founded in 1984, following many years of prayer by Gene & Betty Jo Frank, pastors of COLW. The school opened on September 2, 1984, with grades K4 and K5 combined and grades first and second combined, with faculty of two teachers.

Church of Living Waters is presently carrying out the vision set from the beginning “Setting Captives Free”. The culture of Living Waters is characterized by the presence of God, worship, family, revival, miracles and healings, and the culture of honor.

 COLW accepts people for who they are and sees God bring freedom and change in lives that develop a strong and unmoving faith in him.